Before we look at Canada, this story is very amazing.
In December 1984, Stanley Watras, a construction engineer, walked onto the Limerick nuclear construction site, before the site had any Uranium he triggered its new radon detection system.

When officials investigated the Watrases’ split-level family home in Colebrookdale Township, Pennsylvania, shortly before Christmas, they made a startling discovery: the highest amount of radioactivity ever documented in an American home—nearly 1000 times the upper safe limit for radon exposure. This gift in disguise not only potentially saved the Watrases from a future radon-induced lung cancer diagnosis, but also brought widespread attention to this naturally occurring hazard. Read More

Elliot Lake, Canada
Radon is produced by rotting Uranium.
Elliot Lake, Canada
Uranium mining site
As a lasting legacy of the “golden age” of uranium mining, the radioactive tailings of Elliot Lake pose a threat to the environment of the Great Lakes region and the health of its inhabitants. Many hundreds of miners have already succumbed to the long-term effects of radiation exposure and tens of thousands more deaths are expected as a result of radioactive pollution in the coming decades. Read more
Port Hope Ontario properties tested for radiation

About 450 Port Hope homeowners have had their soil sampled and properties tested for radon and gamma radiation in the first phase of the biggest radioactive cleanup in Canadian history. Read More
Here's a proactive home builder! Nice to see.
Over the past couple of years, the Ontario Home Builders’ Association has been participating in an ongoing study with the Radiation Safety Institute of Canada to determine levels of radon in new homes across the province. Doug Tarry, co-owner of St. Thomas-based Doug Tarry Homes, appreciates the issue more than most. In 2015, a client of Tarry’s reported testing her home at 384 Bq/m3 on a 48-hour test and wanted the building company to buy her home back. Tarry, who was OHBA Technical Chair at the time, was already involved in the joint study, says this incident was a “big deal with enormous financial implications.” It also made the home builder realize that radon is everywhere. Read More
Have a question about radon mitigation for homes, businesses and public buildings in Ontario?
Call 519-572-7896
Radon levels have no correlation to the age of the building, construction type or kind of basement floor. What we hear from most customers is “there’s no uranium here so I really don’t see the point of being concerned.” In reality there are very high levels of uranium scattered throughout Ontario – as the glaciers melted they dropped uranium rich boulders, rocks, pebbles and soil which they had carried down from northern Ontario and dropped them all over the country. You may unknowingly be exposed to high (cancer causing) radon levels.
Since there is no real predictor of high radon levels, the only way to know is to TEST.
How long does it take to install a Radon Mitigation System?
The Mitigation process is very involved but is typically completed in one day with little disturbance to the occupants.

How much does a Radon system cost?
Well, we are not a "Poke and Hope" company! (Drill a hole in your basement floor, install a fan and hope it works) So.... we do a lot of onsite testing to ensure your system will work all year round, outside temperature can change the stack effect on your home and change the amount of Radon into your home. The majority of our time is spent testing the basement floor, we need to seal all opening around, sump pumps, hydro entry, cracks in floors, plumbing openings, etc, to ensure the system we install will work and reduce the radon levels year round. So, cost for a completed system starts at $1500.
Is there a guarantee the system will work?
100% We stand behind our work! If the system does not reduce the levels below the Canadian standard we will correct it or give you your money back.

Call or text me for an onsite no obligation quote. Rick 519-572-7896